Garlic Soup

When fall hits there is usually a lovely spread of flu/cold/sinus infections/bronchitis. And when I start to feel something come on I am ready for healing soups. Don’t give me anything cold! I don’t want salads or smoothies or juices. I want warm things that feel good on my sore throat and in my belly.

Enter garlic soup. I was recently in New York and I had a lovely garlic soup with chia seeds, farm egg and smoked chili oil. It was so comforting and scrumptious that I knew I had to make my own version at home. And the best part? It’s an unbelievable easy recipe that by nature is vegan. You can sass it up with a little cream or butter if you would like, but it really doesn’t need it! It’s delicious on it’s own right. The real trick is making sure you are using good stock or bone broth. As often as you can, use the bone broth as it’s healing properties far surpass stock!

Whether you are sick or not, this satisfying soup will be sure to become part of your repertoire. Its simplicity, ease and bone sticking richness will have you falling in love with it, not to mention its healing properties!


xo, kendra



Healing Garlic Soup 
Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Egg Free, Soy Free
Serves 5-6 as a meal
  • 2 medium leeks
  •  1 pound yellow butter potatoes
  • 20 whole garlic cloves, peeled
  • 6 cups chicken bone broth
  •  ½ pound sunchokes (also known as Jerusalem Artichokes)
  • ½ c. minced chive

1.     Split your leeks and rinse them thoroughly under water to remove any sand and dirt that collected between layers. Pat dry and roughly chop.

2.     Dice the potatoes and set aside.

3.     Preheat large dutch oven, such as a Le Creuset, over medium heat. Add a hearty swirl of olive oil and pop in the garlic cloves and chopped leeks. Saute for 5-6 minutes until the leeks have softened and the mixture is fragrant. Add the diced potatoes, stir to combine and then pour the water over the top and add the 3 bouillon cubes.  Bring to a boil then turn down to low, cover and simmer for 25-30 minutes until potatoes are completely softened.

4.     While the soup is cooking prepare the sunchokes by scrubbing them thoroughly. Slice off any soft or dark colored spots. Slice the remaining nubs thinly and set aside.

5.     When soup is ready, puree with a handheld immersion blender or use a highspeed blender, mixing until completely smooth. Pour back into the same pot you cooked it in and add the sliced sunchokes. Simmer for another 15 minutes until sunchokes are tender. Taste for seasoning and adjust with salt and pepper as needed.

6.     Ladle into bowls and add in any optional “drizzle ins” that you would like, finishing with a sprinkle of the minced chive.


Happy, Healthy Eating! ~Kendra